YarakuZen FAQ
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YarakuZen FAQ
Settings and Options
User settings
User settings
How can I change my password?
What happens when a user is removed from the company acount?
How can I receive the newsletter?
Can I use any domain email address to register under the company account?
How many Company Admins can be assigned?
When a Company Admin changes the user's name on the user page, will this change be reflected in the user's My Account page?
Is Company Admin in charge of managing (adding, deleting, and changing roles) company users?
How can I change User Roles such as Company Admin and Translation Manager?
Can we change Company Admin or Translation Manager later?
How many Translation Managers can be assigned?
Can the same person be assigned as Translation Manager and Company Admin?
Where can I set up a Translation Manager?
Machine translation engine and Company Category settings are not saved.
I want to send an invitation email in English.
What is Company Admin in the Company Plan?
What is Translation Manager in the Company Plan?
There is no "Add Member" button in the Members page under company settings.